We are committed to a thriving local business community!
Buying On Main Street
Did you know that out of every $1 spent at the local level 45% of that $1 is spent again locally. We call that buying on Main Street! Compare that to the big corporate model of buying which only keeps 15% of that dollar locally.
Stronger Community
Keeping more dollars circulating locally creates more local jobs, expands entrepreneurial ventures locally and creates a stronger community. Buying local is what keeps a local economy thriving. Florida Locals (FLLocals) is all about bringing back Main Street and creating a Strong Local Community!
Clearing The Muddied Waters
The internet has a lot of beneficial features but the waters are muddied when you do a local search. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a local business in your community with a simple search on the internet. index's, collates and delivers to you specifically what you are looking for locally. From a local Lawyer to a local plumber or restaurant; the search results are astoundingly simple and eloquent.
Join Us & Make The Vision of "Main Street" Happen!
We have a vision of "Main Street-USA" taking back the front page news from "Big Street-USA" and we are asking YOU to join us in making this happen by supporting our local business community. Begin today declaring you are a FLLocal.